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Gridley Herald

Gridley Emergency Relief Services Pauses Christmas Basket Program

Nov 14, 2024 11:09AM ● By Gridley Emergency Relief Services News Release

GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - Each Christmas season, Gridley Emergency Relief Services (G.E.R.S), working with participating churches in the Gridley/Biggs area, put together Christmas Baskets for lower-income families in the Gridley and Biggs area.

This year, unfortunately, we will not be distributing baskets. During our planning meeting, we ran into some roadblocks that we were unable to overcome. This is not an end to Gridley Emergency Relief Services; it is a temporary roadblock. Gridley Emergency Relief Services is continuing its goals of helping those who find themselves in unexpected difficulties during the year.

We would like to thank those of you who have shared in this outreach over the years and we look forward to what we can do together over the years to come. We have already started the process for the Christmas Baskets for 2025 and are looking forward to seeing that event happen.

How can you help? As an all-volunteer Christian organization, we treasure the help we receive. There are three ways you can help Gridley Emergency Relief Services.

Pray. Taking time to pray for the volunteers and those we strive to serve is the greatest thing you can do. It may sound insignificant but it isn’t. Without the prayers of our supporters, Gridley Emergency Relief Services would be unable to meet the needs of those who seek us out.

Give.  In order to meet the growing need for assistance, financial help is required. You can help meet this need in a couple of ways. Talk to your pastor about sponsoring a fundraiser for Gridley Emergency Relief Services. Send a one-time gift to G.E.R.S. or commit to supporting Gridley Emergency Relief Services on a regular (monthly, quarterly or yearly) basis to G.E.R.S., P.O. Box 931, Gridley, CA 95948. The outreach for those in need does not stop when Christmas is over.

Share. Spread the word that although there will be no distribution of baskets by Gridley Emergency Relief Services this year, the plans are already in the works for next year. Talk with your pastor or other leaders in your church on how your church can alongside Gridley Emergency Relief Services help meet the needs of those in need in our community.

This decision to skip the distribution this year was not an easy one nor was it taken lightly. If you have any questions regarding this, please give Ed Lucas, pastor of Gridley Christian Church, a call at 530-846-4002.