Avoiding Life’s Biggest Mistakes
Jul 08, 2024 02:56PM ● By Gridley Christian Church News ReleaseGRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - On July 14, Pastor Ed with Gridley Christian Church will begin a sermon series that will help us avoid walking down the path of small mistakes that lead to the big mistakes and hopefully even the big mistakes themselves.
The reality is that we all make mistakes. Some of our mistakes are small and don’t cause very big ripples, but if left undealt with, the problems get worse. Other mistakes are not so small. They cause ripples so fast and so big that we don’t know if we can recover.
Someone once said, “The best way to avoid a mistake is to learn from the mistakes other people make.” This sermon series looks at the mistakes different people in the Bible made to help us avoid making the same. We will cover the areas of pride, materialism, sexual immorality, revenge, anger, impatience, parenting (favoritism and discipline), alcohol and drugs, rebellion, disobedience and lying.
The Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.
In other church news, children 4 years old through eighth-grade are invited to Gridley Christian Church’s Music Camp July 15 through 21. Monday through Friday, the children will meet from 3 to 5 p.m. to learn four songs from a mini musical. Great songs, Bible lessons, simple choreography, sign language, song bells, rhythm instruments, crafts, snacks and recreation will round out the music camp.
On Saturday, July 20, a dress rehearsal will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. On Sunday, two performances of the mini musical will be at 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
There is no charge for participation in Music Camp. Call Bonnie at 530-933-9845 to register your child.
Gridley Christian Church is located at 580 Washington St. Call Pastor Ed at 530-846-4002 with any questions or concerns.