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Gridley Herald

GERS is Putting Together Christmas Baskets

Nov 29, 2023 04:54PM ● By Gridley Christian Church News Release

GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - Each Christmas season Gridley Emergency Relief Services (G.E.R.S.) working with participating churches in the Gridley/Biggs area put together Christmas Baskets for lower income families in the Gridley & Biggs area. This year they will again be distributed from the First Baptist Church at 100 Vermont Street in Gridley on December 9th from 9 to 11a.m. There is no need to sign up ahead of time. It is on a 1st come 1st serve basis. Please bring proof of residence such as a valid CA ID/Driver’s License or a utility bill with your name and address. Only one basket per household/address.

How can you help? As an all-volunteer Christian organization, we treasure the help we receive. There are three ways you can help G.E.R.S.

PRAY. Taking time to pray for the volunteers and those we strive to serve is the greatest thing you can do. It may sound insignificant, but it isn’t. Without the prayers of our supporters, G.E.R.S. would be unable to meet the needs of those who seek us out.

VOLUNTEER. It takes a lot of manpower to put together and distribute the food baskets to those in need during the Christmas Season. If you would like to volunteer your time, please give Ed Lucas at Gridley Christian Church (846-4002) or email at [email protected]

GIVE. In order to meet the growing need for assistance, financial help is required. You can help meet this need in a couple of ways. Talk to your pastor about sponsoring a fundraiser for G.E.R.S.  Send a one-time gift to G.E.R.S. or Commit to supporting G.E.R.S. on a regular (monthly, quarterly, or yearly) basis. (G.E.R.S. PO Box 931, Gridley, CA 95948)

On behalf of G.E.R.S. and the local churches, we thank you, and may God Bless you and your loved ones. Merry Christmas!