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Gridley Herald

Gridley City Council Review

Sep 30, 2022 12:00AM ● By By Seti Long

GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) – Gridley City Council Members had the opportunity to meet newly hired and promoted employees as part of their agenda at the September 19th City Council Meeting.

Gridley Police Chief Rodney Harr opened the meeting with the introduction of three new Gridley Police Department Employees: Officer Jason Geiringer, Community Service Officer Katie Hill and newly promoted Sergeant Adam Ruesser.

The council moved through the consent agenda, approving it with a 5-0 vote. Items included the minutes from the September 6th City Council Meeting and the second reading and adoption of Ordinance 841-2022: An Ordinance to Rezone Approximately 70-Acres from Heavy Industrial (M-2) to Heavy Industrial (M-2), Open Space (OS), and Public-Quasi-Public (PQP) located in the Gridley Industrial Park Complex (APN 021-240-027, -042), by reading of title only.

Edler Estates returned to the agenda as discussion Item 3. Tabled from the September 6th agenda, public discussion on Edler Estates was left open and the item added to the September 19th agenda due to issues pertaining to the detention basin and alternatives for excessive stormwater being directed to the nearby Reclamation District 833 canal that boarders the development’s site. A second issue questioned the ownership of the canal and whether Reclamation District 833 (RD 833) owned it outright or if it was an easement. After further study, recently recorded documents reviewed by the planning commission show that the property the canal lies on is in fact owned by RD 833 and is not an easement.

Future developments planned in the vicinity of the Edler Estates project would enter into a tentative agreement wherein they would use a combined detention basin and collectively discharge storm water runoff into the RD 833 canal at an appropriate rate established between the City Engineer and the Reclamation District. A second solution would be that Edler Estates dedicate one or more of its 46 lots to accommodate a retention basin that drains directly into RD 833 canals.

With that, discussion on the project moved forward. Edler Estates is a 46-lot development on 8.49 acres located west of the Gridley Unified School District property on Randolph Avenue and south of Jay Drive and Butte View Drive.

Council voted 5-0 to approve the following 3 resolutions regarding Edler Estates: Resolution No. 2022"R"031: A Resolution of the Gridley City Council to Amend the General Plan Land Use Designation of Approximately 8.49"acres from Residential, Very Low Density to Residential, Medium Density and to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration Pursuant to a CEQA Finding there is less than Significant Environmental Impact. (APN 010"270"076); Resolution No. 2022"R"032: A Resolution of the Gridley City Council Approving Tentative Subdivision Map 1"22 to Subdivide an Existing 8.49"acres into Forty"Six (46) Parcels Located on the West Side of Randolph Avenue at the Terminus of Laurel Street. (APN 010"270"076); First Reading by Title Only of Ordinance 840"2022: An Ordinance to Rezone Approximately 8.49 Acres from Avenue Residential Suburban (R"S) to Single to Low Density Residential (R"1) for a Proposed Density of 5.41 du/ac Located on the West Side of Randolph Avenue at the Terminus of Laurel Street. (APN 010"270"076)

Council then considered agenda item 4: Award of Project Proposal for 2018 CDBG-DR Multifamily Housing Program – Orchard View Apartments II.

As a result of the 2018 Camp Fire and a severe shortage of affordable housing in the area, Gridley was the recipient of a $2.3 million Community Development Block Grant (BDBG) to assist with the creation of additional family housing. The City of Gridley has been working with the organization Housing Tools to bring developments that fall within the stipulations of that grant to Gridley.

Orchard View Apartments II was the only application received by the City through the partnership with Housing Tools and would be separate from Orchard View Apartments I. Orchard View II would be located adjacent to the Orchard View I development, between Evelyn and Archer Ave along Highway 99. Orchard View II’s complex would be comprised of four, two-story buildings with a total of 36-units ranging from two-bedroom to four-bedroom units. The CDBG would cover the costs of the development, which currently sits at $2,034,932.00. Council voted in favor of the proposal 5-0.

Moving on to the last agenda Item, council considered amending the cooperative agreement among groundwater sustainability agencies in the Butte subbasin. Council voted 5-0 to approve the agreement.

Council then reviewed committee assignments and went into closed session.

For more information, details on agenda items or to view City Council agendas, visit

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