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Gridley Herald

Councilmember Thiara's Response Concerning City of Live Oak's Press Release

Apr 15, 2021 12:00AM ● By Submitted by J.R. Harsev Thiara, Live Oak City Council Member

March 22, 2021

The release (3/17/21 ) of these false and unfounded allegations from un-named and anonymous persons comes as no surprise, as this is a blatant and expected retaliatory effort by the Staff, with the goal of shutting down my efforts of painstakingly successfully seeking and uncovering the truth about city finances and operations, in an otherwise non-transparent government where Staff is trying to cover-up the numerous, documented on the record, egregious accounting errors, unlawful activities, unexplained project delays, and even lies being told to City Council on video.

For example, Well #7, originally budgeted at $2.5 Million Dollars, has been in the works going on “11 years” now and the delays have un-necessarily cost our Residents over $1 Million Dollars in new costs, and it is still not completed. The completion of Well #7 has been a contentious issue, and incredibly, City Council was only informed at the March 17, 2021 Council Meeting that the well is now contaminated even though Staff knew about this serious contamination condition back in November 2020. The reason cited by Staff is because the well sat idle too long yet, we are told by Staff, this is a “Time Is Of The Essence” project to completed, but 11 years? Why was this critical information withheld from City Council? “We will get back to you” is one of the most common responses to valid questions asked by me and the Public, but Staff virtually never does, as this is a pre-meditated strategy of shutting my performance of my Duly Elected Duties and responsibilities to our Residents, as the Public are the true victims of Staff’s mis-use of power as we all are being kept un-informed. As documented in the June 2020 Grand Jury Report, City Council Meeting Video Records and Minute Records have been altered to not reflect the truth as to what happened at those meetings, as well as Minute Records are edited to coverup actions that are Violations of State Statute and the City Municipal Code.

Below, are more findings of egregious errors after 100’s of hours of research conducted by me and other concerned and upset Residents. Included are topics for Council discussion that are ignored by Staff and refused to be place on a future Agenda by my requests.

--- a $267,000,000.00 (million) addition Error discovered in the CAFRA . Appeal Democrat Front Page News. --- a $200,000.00 overreporting Error discovered in a Proposed Budget. Oops! Computer’s fault ,said Joe Aguilar City CPA --- a $46,000.00 addition Error discovered in a Proposed Budget. Oops! Forgotto add that in the total. --- a $175,300.00 addition Error in Proposed Budget. 2nd grade level math addition errors missed by Manager Palmer. --- a $175,000.00 Error was discovered in a Budget Recap. --- $200,000.00 was approved to improve the Community Center 5 plus years ago and no work has been begun. --- we pay 3 times more for Sewer Service than Chico Residents do. Staff has $4,000,000.00 reserve just sitting there. --- we pay 3 times more for Parks, Culture & Recreation Services than Yuba City Residents. $1.2 mil. Spent where in 2020? --- we pay 3 times more per Student in School Bond Taxes than Yuba City Residents. Some students do not know the Pledge. --- Staff needlessly spent $350,000.00 on a Sludge Press that will take 292 YEARS to recoup the cost.

The June 2020 Grand Jury Report investigated and Validated over 99% of the numerous complaints submitted to them regards all the unethical, financial, and procedural violations they found. During their investigation Members of the Grand Jury witnessed first-hand on many occasions, serious violations by Staff and Council of the Brown Act, the First Amendment – Free Speech - Censoring a Public Citizen and Council Member, and 14th Amendment of the Constitution by making false claims and being judge and jury without Due Process.

All claims against me are from anonymous sources and I was never informed of any cause and to my knowledge, no charges have ever been filed. The latest is Staff barricading themselves in City Hall to lock Council Members (me) out from attending City Council Meetings. The last meeting of 3/17/21 I was basically blockaded by Staff from being able to attend the City Council Meeting. The moral of the story and motivation to this attempt of retaliation to try and embarrass me is “The Truth Hurts” and for me, as they say, it gets lonely at the top of integrity and I am proud to have received such a Badge of Honor by the grand effort though melt down of Staff.

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